Macoob CARE

Life Insurance Consultations


be sure to complete

Plan your lives for future and better living experience.

We need to have safety in our life, this is to ensure everything we have is in secure.

Savings, assets, family and all related to our live.

We need to have savings for our live, this is to ensure our future income is guaranteed.

No savings no future.

Be sure to participate in good growth fund.

This is to ensure you grow your money in future.

An extra money for your retirements.

Levarage your money.

No Planning

As time goes by, you are in lost, no savings, no safety, no investments.

Future income is important, get your investments policy & grow your money.

Take care of your live with life insurance. 

Secure your life, safety & investmentsl.

Don’t forget to have a savings for emergency of death, and total permanent disable.


Dear customer, please acknowledge to contact our listed consultants & agent only.

Please check at our agent & consultants page.

Contact us

We will contact you to proceed and sign up for medical card. We will come to your place.