Please refer to our consultants for more information.
Make your life journey wonderful.
it is a lifetime assets.
Get the passive investment returns after 5,10 or 20 years depending on your choice.
An investments savings plan for lifetime.
Benefit until the age of 90 year old.
Investment value may withdraw anytime according to your need.
A plan that will be benefited to you lifetime.
Compassionate as additional payment for your death RM3,000.
You may add additional coverage like hospital allowance daily, critical illness sum assured. premium waiver and personal accident sum assured.
Upon death event, you will be paid with sum assured PLUS investments value in your account.
Free. Your policy premium or investments will be covered by MCIS Insurance Berhad if you were diagnosed with critical illness.
We make it simple for you.
Let's meet up.
We will explain more how this can benefited to you.
We are happy that you are secured.
True value gives life.
Our fund performance record shows the best performance in the past. We believe it will gives more benefit in the future.
We ensure the best protections, we have helped Malaysians since 1954.
Our coverage is worldwide acceptable.
Life Insurance Consultations
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We will contact you to proceed and sign up for medical card. We will come to your place.